Month: May 2016

The diverse charms of St Kilda East

Leaving St Kilda cemetery, we headed south down Hotham Street, towards St Kilda East. This part of suburban Melbourne – St Kilda East heading into Balaclava – has a lot to offer, when you tune in to it – diverse architecture, appealing old signage, and suburban oddities of various kinds.   Continue reading

Melbourne Circle at Willy Lit Fest

If you’d like to get up close and personal with Melbourne Circle, come along to our session at Williamstown Literary Festival on Saturday 18 June at 2pm. I will be chatting to Chris Ringrose about ghostsigns, psychogeography and how ordinary places can trigger the literary imagination. I always enjoy meeting readers, so come along for the session and stick around for a chat afterwards. The event is titled ‘Walking and writing the suburbs’ and you get an early bird discount ($10 tix) if you book before 31 May. Other fab writers at the festival include Andy Griffiths, George Megalogenis, Arnold Zable and stacks more. Book here!

Lost on Chapel Street

Streets are landscapes of loss. Alongside the buildings and people who currently occupy them, the vehicles, street furniture and signage, there are ghosts of buildings that have been altered or destroyed, traces of businesses that have closed, people who have come and gone, countless variations small and large that are always in process. This is particularly evident in a walk along Chapel Street Prahran. Continue reading